[00:00:01.83 --> 00:00:12.16] [Music] [00:00:09.92 --> 00:00:15.24] Hello everyone welcome to the second [00:00:12.16 --> 00:00:17.08] episode of VAMK academic adventures in [00:00:15.24 --> 00:00:19.28] this series we will be talking about [00:00:17.08 --> 00:00:20.80] student life career opportunities that [00:00:19.28 --> 00:00:23.52] are related to international student [00:00:20.80 --> 00:00:25.08] community and we have opinions from our [00:00:23.52 --> 00:00:27.00] personnel and also from the Student [00:00:25.08 --> 00:00:29.40] Union teachers and even from the [00:00:27.00 --> 00:00:30.48] students themselves and I'm K and I'll [00:00:29.40 --> 00:00:33.32] be the host [00:00:30.48 --> 00:00:35.32] for this series and I'm an international [00:00:33.32 --> 00:00:37.72] business student at VAMK and also doing [00:00:35.32 --> 00:00:40.52] my training currently at the moment and [00:00:37.72 --> 00:00:42.48] today we have Otto from VAMOK the Student [00:00:40.52 --> 00:00:45.12] Union and we'll be talking more about [00:00:42.48 --> 00:00:48.48] the student community in VAMOK in general [00:00:45.12 --> 00:00:50.44] so hello Otto how are you hello I'm very [00:00:48.48 --> 00:00:52.48] good thanks thanks for having me how are [00:00:50.44 --> 00:00:55.28] you doing yes I'm doing good as well [00:00:52.48 --> 00:00:57.36] Friday so it's yeah can't wait for the [00:00:55.28 --> 00:01:00.04] weekend can't wait for the weekend yes [00:00:57.36 --> 00:01:01.76] so since we are here can you introduce a [00:01:00.04 --> 00:01:03.96] little bit more about yourselves because [00:01:01.76 --> 00:01:06.52] to our listeners and also our viewers [00:01:03.96 --> 00:01:08.52] about more of yourself yes of course uh [00:01:06.52 --> 00:01:10.56] so my name is Oto makinami I'm the [00:01:08.52 --> 00:01:14.40] chairperson of the board for the Student [00:01:10.56 --> 00:01:18.32] Union VAMOK I'm currently on my third year [00:01:14.40 --> 00:01:20.68] of studies I study uh business [00:01:18.32 --> 00:01:22.60] administration so I'm ass soon to be [00:01:20.68 --> 00:01:25.88] graduate I'm hoping to graduate by the [00:01:22.60 --> 00:01:28.28] end of 2024 and this is my second year [00:01:25.88 --> 00:01:30.72] in the VAMOK board as the [00:01:28.28 --> 00:01:33.64] chairperson yes okay okay thank you so [00:01:30.72 --> 00:01:35.80] much for coming uh here and uh [00:01:33.64 --> 00:01:38.32] participating and sharing your opinion [00:01:35.80 --> 00:01:40.56] yes so um since you're also a student [00:01:38.32 --> 00:01:43.12] yourself at VAMK and also the chairperson [00:01:40.56 --> 00:01:45.88] for two years continuously uh even since [00:01:43.12 --> 00:01:47.44] I was a freshman so uh can you tell us [00:01:45.88 --> 00:01:49.92] more about the student role of the [00:01:47.44 --> 00:01:52.20] Student Union and what does it do yeah [00:01:49.92 --> 00:01:55.52] of course uh so in short the Student [00:01:52.20 --> 00:01:59.04] Union is a organization governed by the [00:01:55.52 --> 00:02:00.84] students of this particular uh school [00:01:59.04 --> 00:02:05.08] which is VAMK [00:02:00.84 --> 00:02:07.48] and we are the people in the board and [00:02:05.08 --> 00:02:09.60] the representative body are selected [00:02:07.48 --> 00:02:12.56] every year uh at the end of the year [00:02:09.60 --> 00:02:16.04] close to December and in short what we [00:02:12.56 --> 00:02:19.44] do is we look out for the interests of [00:02:16.04 --> 00:02:23.00] students and of our members and we [00:02:19.44 --> 00:02:25.64] organize a wide range of extracurricular [00:02:23.00 --> 00:02:28.84] activities for all the students in VAMK [00:02:25.64 --> 00:02:30.76] and every single member of Wok Yeah so [00:02:28.84 --> 00:02:33.52] basically it is for the students by the [00:02:30.76 --> 00:02:36.32] students themselves yeah and I'm I've [00:02:33.52 --> 00:02:38.44] been an active member of also VAMOK also [00:02:36.32 --> 00:02:41.04] so I've been always engaged in the [00:02:38.44 --> 00:02:42.76] activities and and I know how much like [00:02:41.04 --> 00:02:44.24] um VAMOK also supports the [00:02:42.76 --> 00:02:46.64] international students both the [00:02:44.24 --> 00:02:49.52] full-time and also like the exchange [00:02:46.64 --> 00:02:51.88] students as well to uh maximize their [00:02:49.52 --> 00:02:53.88] studies in VAMK so uh can you also [00:02:51.88 --> 00:02:56.28] elaborate more because I might miss out [00:02:53.88 --> 00:02:58.12] some of the like activity so maybe you [00:02:56.28 --> 00:03:00.48] can tell like how it supports the [00:02:58.12 --> 00:03:04.00] international students in general [00:03:00.48 --> 00:03:07.32] yeah uh well as for international [00:03:04.00 --> 00:03:09.80] students obviously we like look out for [00:03:07.32 --> 00:03:12.88] interests of every single student in VM [00:03:09.80 --> 00:03:15.00] including the international students uh [00:03:12.88 --> 00:03:18.88] whether it be degree students or [00:03:15.00 --> 00:03:21.44] exchange students and we also try to [00:03:18.88 --> 00:03:23.68] help them integrate into Finnish uh [00:03:21.44 --> 00:03:26.44] student culture and living in Finland [00:03:23.68 --> 00:03:28.96] it's a shock to a lot of international [00:03:26.44 --> 00:03:31.04] students who move here probably from a [00:03:28.96 --> 00:03:34.44] lot warmer countries for example than [00:03:31.04 --> 00:03:36.76] Finland so we help with that uh and one [00:03:34.44 --> 00:03:39.20] of the things that we do is for example [00:03:36.76 --> 00:03:41.40] we try to have these International [00:03:39.20 --> 00:03:44.00] dinners especially with exchange [00:03:41.40 --> 00:03:46.24] students where they can uh meet the [00:03:44.00 --> 00:03:49.28] other exchange students get to know VAMOK [00:03:46.24 --> 00:03:52.88] and VAMK and show off their own culture [00:03:49.28 --> 00:03:55.12] as well yes yes yes I've been to uh [00:03:52.88 --> 00:03:56.76] inter VAMOK International dinners also and [00:03:55.12 --> 00:03:59.08] a lot of the exchange students but also [00:03:56.76 --> 00:04:01.52] the full-time students like us also join [00:03:59.08 --> 00:04:03.40] occasionally by time so we learn all [00:04:01.52 --> 00:04:06.20] like not just Finnish but also around [00:04:03.40 --> 00:04:08.64] Europe and also all from Asia everywhere [00:04:06.20 --> 00:04:10.44] and that is really a great initiative to [00:04:08.64 --> 00:04:13.80] get to know each other and integrate [00:04:10.44 --> 00:04:16.80] into the studying and studying Student [00:04:13.80 --> 00:04:19.72] Life yeah definitely and we have we have [00:04:16.80 --> 00:04:22.88] gotten a lot of positive feedback from [00:04:19.72 --> 00:04:25.16] those and pretty much every single other [00:04:22.88 --> 00:04:27.68] event that we do that which is for [00:04:25.16 --> 00:04:29.72] international students as well so uh [00:04:27.68 --> 00:04:31.80] there's a it's a long way to go until [00:04:29.72 --> 00:04:34.48] we're at the state where we want to be [00:04:31.80 --> 00:04:36.40] but we're on a good track right now yes [00:04:34.48 --> 00:04:38.60] I I do believe that it's on a good track [00:04:36.40 --> 00:04:41.84] and also because I've been to a lot of [00:04:38.60 --> 00:04:45.12] uh the events and activities that uh VAMOK [00:04:41.84 --> 00:04:47.04] organizes so um it's like it makes even [00:04:45.12 --> 00:04:48.76] if it's like finish event it makes sure [00:04:47.04 --> 00:04:51.28] that everyone can participate so there's [00:04:48.76 --> 00:04:52.96] always like English language included as [00:04:51.28 --> 00:04:55.72] well so that has been a really great [00:04:52.96 --> 00:04:57.36] experience so far and yeah but uh also [00:04:55.72 --> 00:05:00.16] apart from the international dinners [00:04:57.36 --> 00:05:02.00] what other programs and initiatives Bok [00:05:00.16 --> 00:05:03.84] organized for the international students [00:05:02.00 --> 00:05:06.20] to more integrate into the Finnish [00:05:03.84 --> 00:05:08.96] Society yeah there are a lot of things [00:05:06.20 --> 00:05:13.36] uh one thing that we do we try to have [00:05:08.96 --> 00:05:17.12] uh at least one uh International or only [00:05:13.36 --> 00:05:20.36] in English events uh once every semester [00:05:17.12 --> 00:05:24.68] at least uh for example last fall we did [00:05:20.36 --> 00:05:28.20] a seit in cooperation with ESN [00:05:24.68 --> 00:05:32.00] Vasa and that was a really big success [00:05:28.20 --> 00:05:35.32] since C is a popular student event in [00:05:32.00 --> 00:05:37.12] The Finnish student culture but not too [00:05:35.32 --> 00:05:39.48] many International students know about [00:05:37.12 --> 00:05:41.36] it so that was a that was a really fun [00:05:39.48 --> 00:05:44.68] thing to do and most of the people there [00:05:41.36 --> 00:05:46.88] really enjoyed enjoyed the seit so for [00:05:44.68 --> 00:05:49.64] example we we do those and as you [00:05:46.88 --> 00:05:52.52] mentioned earlier we do the Finland 101 [00:05:49.64 --> 00:05:55.28] course which is to help International [00:05:52.52 --> 00:05:58.80] students integrate into the Finnish [00:05:55.28 --> 00:06:02.08] student life into Vaasa and into the [00:05:58.80 --> 00:06:04.52] Finnish work life as well so we have for [00:06:02.08 --> 00:06:07.20] example last time we did it we had uh [00:06:04.52 --> 00:06:09.36] the city of Vaasa people came and talked [00:06:07.20 --> 00:06:12.60] about Vaasa and all the opportunities for [00:06:09.36 --> 00:06:18.60] any extracurricular activities in the [00:06:12.60 --> 00:06:22.32] city and some heads of big corporations [00:06:18.60 --> 00:06:25.08] came by told them about what they do and [00:06:22.32 --> 00:06:28.04] how they should go about trying to get a [00:06:25.08 --> 00:06:30.76] job at that particular company or any [00:06:28.04 --> 00:06:32.44] other major company for that matter so [00:06:30.76 --> 00:06:34.76] we're trying to help International [00:06:32.44 --> 00:06:36.56] students integrate into the Finnish life [00:06:34.76 --> 00:06:40.00] a bit more and that has been a great [00:06:36.56 --> 00:06:43.48] success I think last time we had just [00:06:40.00 --> 00:06:46.88] over 70 participants in the course and I [00:06:43.48 --> 00:06:49.48] think over 50 of them uh passed the [00:06:46.88 --> 00:06:52.68] course so it's a it's a past fail type [00:06:49.48 --> 00:06:55.00] course yes okay yeah and I've been uh [00:06:52.68 --> 00:06:56.44] participated in all these activities and [00:06:55.00 --> 00:06:59.08] events that you mentioned some of these [00:06:56.44 --> 00:07:01.44] examples for example the Finland 101 or [00:06:59.08 --> 00:07:03.36] also International sit set like which [00:07:01.44 --> 00:07:05.20] makes me really much more adapted into [00:07:03.36 --> 00:07:06.64] the Finnish culture because it's all a [00:07:05.20 --> 00:07:08.76] whole new thing to me as an [00:07:06.64 --> 00:07:10.84] international student myself so I would [00:07:08.76 --> 00:07:13.36] say it is a really great benefit like [00:07:10.84 --> 00:07:15.04] you just get of course in the courses [00:07:13.36 --> 00:07:17.12] you will get to know more theoretically [00:07:15.04 --> 00:07:18.92] and all from the experiences but when [00:07:17.12 --> 00:07:20.76] you are inside like a social event like [00:07:18.92 --> 00:07:23.04] a s then you get to know the Finnish [00:07:20.76 --> 00:07:25.48] students more and know about them yeah [00:07:23.04 --> 00:07:27.04] exactly so this is like really a great [00:07:25.48 --> 00:07:29.60] benefit even for an international [00:07:27.04 --> 00:07:31.44] student myself so I'm a living proof of [00:07:29.60 --> 00:07:33.36] yeah okay awesome the the international [00:07:31.44 --> 00:07:35.04] student who is getting the benefits but [00:07:33.36 --> 00:07:36.76] yeah uh in terms of the benefits what [00:07:35.04 --> 00:07:38.56] other benefits do you think like [00:07:36.76 --> 00:07:41.48] International students can participate [00:07:38.56 --> 00:07:44.88] from uh joining into these kind of [00:07:41.48 --> 00:07:47.16] activities and events arranged for them [00:07:44.88 --> 00:07:51.08] I would tell every single International [00:07:47.16 --> 00:07:54.84] Stu student who is uh new to Vaasa just [00:07:51.08 --> 00:07:57.28] be active and try to participate in many [00:07:54.84 --> 00:07:59.84] different ways and as much as you can [00:07:57.28 --> 00:08:03.16] because that is the way that you will [00:07:59.84 --> 00:08:06.72] get the most out of studying here in [00:08:03.16 --> 00:08:09.24] Vaasa and in Finland in general so I [00:08:06.72 --> 00:08:11.96] would say be active uh join the Student [00:08:09.24 --> 00:08:16.28] Union definitely we have we usually hold [00:08:11.96 --> 00:08:18.68] a pub quiz every month and one uh party [00:08:16.28 --> 00:08:21.28] usually every month and we also do uh [00:08:18.68 --> 00:08:23.92] sport trials and for all vok members we [00:08:21.28 --> 00:08:27.28] have free sport shifts every week uh [00:08:23.92 --> 00:08:30.28] four to five times a week so there's a [00:08:27.28 --> 00:08:34.56] lot to do so I would say just be active [00:08:30.28 --> 00:08:36.68] and try to participate in all the events [00:08:34.56 --> 00:08:39.72] that you can and you can also check out [00:08:36.68 --> 00:08:41.48] es and Vaasa they have a lot of awesome [00:08:39.72 --> 00:08:45.04] things for international students here [00:08:41.48 --> 00:08:47.56] in Vaasa as well yes I'm also a f member [00:08:45.04 --> 00:08:49.52] myself and also uh like apart from all [00:08:47.56 --> 00:08:51.28] the activities and events I also try to [00:08:49.52 --> 00:08:53.68] go to like gym because we have the free [00:08:51.28 --> 00:08:55.36] gym access at the Wasa sports club and [00:08:53.68 --> 00:08:57.08] of course uh sometimes like sports [00:08:55.36 --> 00:08:59.84] shifts whenever I'm interested in like [00:08:57.08 --> 00:09:01.96] batminton or yeah batminton or [00:08:59.84 --> 00:09:04.60] volleyball yes we have volleyball and we [00:09:01.96 --> 00:09:06.40] also have floorball uh sometimes [00:09:04.60 --> 00:09:08.64] basketball we have we have a lot of [00:09:06.40 --> 00:09:10.80] different things they can vary from year [00:09:08.64 --> 00:09:14.28] to year depending on what the the [00:09:10.80 --> 00:09:15.92] members of VAMOK want we usually have a [00:09:14.28 --> 00:09:18.04] questionnaire open at the end of the [00:09:15.92 --> 00:09:21.48] year to see what can we do better next [00:09:18.04 --> 00:09:23.48] year and what we should add or take out [00:09:21.48 --> 00:09:26.28] so it might vary a little bit but those [00:09:23.48 --> 00:09:28.08] are the usual Sports we have yes yes [00:09:26.28 --> 00:09:30.88] that's true and it's kind of always [00:09:28.08 --> 00:09:32.60] exciting to go a bond with also like not [00:09:30.88 --> 00:09:34.48] just the international students among [00:09:32.60 --> 00:09:36.44] themselves but also with other finnished [00:09:34.48 --> 00:09:39.04] students cuz everyone comes like not [00:09:36.44 --> 00:09:41.16] just separated International or finish [00:09:39.04 --> 00:09:43.56] and you Bond over these activities and [00:09:41.16 --> 00:09:45.40] events so I would say it's been a great [00:09:43.56 --> 00:09:47.48] also networking and also to make [00:09:45.40 --> 00:09:49.52] yourself more home at Finland while [00:09:47.48 --> 00:09:51.68] you're studying so definitely yeah but [00:09:49.52 --> 00:09:53.24] in terms like just you have been a [00:09:51.68 --> 00:09:55.56] chairperson and also of course you've [00:09:53.24 --> 00:09:57.48] been engaging with students like all [00:09:55.56 --> 00:09:59.56] Finnish and also International but when [00:09:57.48 --> 00:10:01.88] it comes to International students what [00:09:59.56 --> 00:10:03.08] kinds of challenges do you have to help [00:10:01.88 --> 00:10:07.00] them [00:10:03.08 --> 00:10:09.20] overcome uh I think in general still uh [00:10:07.00 --> 00:10:12.00] all the problems or most of the problems [00:10:09.20 --> 00:10:14.88] that International students face are [00:10:12.00 --> 00:10:17.60] quite personal and they might vary from [00:10:14.88 --> 00:10:19.56] uh person to person but there are few [00:10:17.60 --> 00:10:24.44] few things that we've seen multiple [00:10:19.56 --> 00:10:26.40] times one being that especially when [00:10:24.44 --> 00:10:28.08] they move here they have trouble with [00:10:26.40 --> 00:10:30.40] housing for example even getting from [00:10:28.08 --> 00:10:33.48] the airport to the city Centrum and [00:10:30.40 --> 00:10:36.08] getting the keys to their apartment and [00:10:33.48 --> 00:10:37.40] knowing what what else do you need to do [00:10:36.08 --> 00:10:39.12] for the apartment you need to get [00:10:37.40 --> 00:10:41.92] electricity you need to pay for the [00:10:39.12 --> 00:10:46.80] water and every all of these things so [00:10:41.92 --> 00:10:49.16] for that we have tutors which we uh [00:10:46.80 --> 00:10:50.80] recruit once a year and then train we're [00:10:49.16 --> 00:10:54.12] actually right now in the middle of [00:10:50.80 --> 00:10:56.96] recruiting new tutors for the upcoming [00:10:54.12 --> 00:10:59.48] upcoming semester starting in the fall [00:10:56.96 --> 00:11:01.16] but sometimes the tutors will just tell [00:10:59.48 --> 00:11:02.68] you okay this is the person you you need [00:11:01.16 --> 00:11:05.12] to call and this is the place where you [00:11:02.68 --> 00:11:06.68] can pick up your keys but also sometimes [00:11:05.12 --> 00:11:10.12] we have very active tutors who will [00:11:06.68 --> 00:11:12.80] actually go there pick up the keys uh [00:11:10.12 --> 00:11:16.04] for the new place with them with the [00:11:12.80 --> 00:11:18.60] exchange students or the degree students [00:11:16.04 --> 00:11:22.92] so uh they're a big [00:11:18.60 --> 00:11:25.72] help and but one big thing that has been [00:11:22.92 --> 00:11:26.72] a problem at least for the past maybe [00:11:25.72 --> 00:11:31.00] two [00:11:26.72 --> 00:11:32.96] years has been getting the new [00:11:31.00 --> 00:11:35.00] international students into Finland I [00:11:32.96 --> 00:11:36.92] think that's one of the biggest biggest [00:11:35.00 --> 00:11:39.20] problems uh that's something that the [00:11:36.92 --> 00:11:41.72] Student Union can't really help with our [00:11:39.20 --> 00:11:45.40] hands are pretty much tied on that it [00:11:41.72 --> 00:11:48.32] has to do mostly with uh the immigration [00:11:45.40 --> 00:11:50.24] laws in their country of origin where [00:11:48.32 --> 00:11:52.36] they're coming from so they might get [00:11:50.24 --> 00:11:53.88] stuck in this sort of funnel that they [00:11:52.36 --> 00:11:57.96] can't really get through and head over [00:11:53.88 --> 00:11:59.84] to Finland and that obviously VAMK [00:11:57.96 --> 00:12:02.80] provides uh [00:11:59.84 --> 00:12:04.08] online courses and online classes during [00:12:02.80 --> 00:12:06.32] that time when they can't make it to [00:12:04.08 --> 00:12:10.76] Finland but that also [00:12:06.32 --> 00:12:12.80] affects uh their bonding with their [00:12:10.76 --> 00:12:15.64] classmates since they can't really meet [00:12:12.80 --> 00:12:18.12] up in person they only can talk through [00:12:15.64 --> 00:12:21.56] maybe like WhatsApp or Telegram and only [00:12:18.12 --> 00:12:24.00] see each other online during classes so [00:12:21.56 --> 00:12:26.64] that's not optimal I think it's getting [00:12:24.00 --> 00:12:29.28] better but it's still a big problem that [00:12:26.64 --> 00:12:31.76] we can't really help with too much yeah [00:12:29.28 --> 00:12:33.80] that's true yeah but of course uh when [00:12:31.76 --> 00:12:36.44] it comes to immigration and it depends a [00:12:33.80 --> 00:12:39.36] lot on the law and all the traveling and [00:12:36.44 --> 00:12:41.48] Visa processes so luckily for me I was [00:12:39.36 --> 00:12:43.56] able to come in time so I didn't have [00:12:41.48 --> 00:12:45.92] challenges but I've met other students [00:12:43.56 --> 00:12:47.88] who also have like challenges with [00:12:45.92 --> 00:12:50.32] coming to school on time and then they [00:12:47.88 --> 00:12:52.96] get a semester late so a lot of these [00:12:50.32 --> 00:12:55.20] problems occur but I think um regardless [00:12:52.96 --> 00:12:56.80] to that what the Student Union VAMOK also [00:12:55.20 --> 00:12:58.56] has been like doing when they are [00:12:56.80 --> 00:13:00.68] arriving here and also assisting them [00:12:58.56 --> 00:13:02.44] with guiding and I think guidance is the [00:13:00.68 --> 00:13:04.64] most important thing for international [00:13:02.44 --> 00:13:07.48] students at this point like because when [00:13:04.64 --> 00:13:09.04] we get accepted to a university and uh [00:13:07.48 --> 00:13:10.16] we we get Aller letters but we don't [00:13:09.04 --> 00:13:12.16] know what else to do because we don't [00:13:10.16 --> 00:13:14.44] know anything about the towns or the [00:13:12.16 --> 00:13:16.32] cities that we're in so like oh knowing [00:13:14.44 --> 00:13:18.72] something about like housing where to [00:13:16.32 --> 00:13:20.20] apply and even if the tutors are guiding [00:13:18.72 --> 00:13:22.04] and of course there can be people [00:13:20.20 --> 00:13:24.48] directly coming and picking up keys that [00:13:22.04 --> 00:13:26.56] would be extra help but even with some [00:13:24.48 --> 00:13:28.52] guidance I think it's a lot helpful for [00:13:26.56 --> 00:13:30.80] international students like even for [00:13:28.52 --> 00:13:32.72] myself as well cuz uh of course when you [00:13:30.80 --> 00:13:34.12] just find there are a lot of information [00:13:32.72 --> 00:13:36.76] and you don't know which one is the [00:13:34.12 --> 00:13:39.00] right one yeah so I think like in terms [00:13:36.76 --> 00:13:41.20] of that VAMOK has been doing a great job [00:13:39.00 --> 00:13:43.80] to support the international students to [00:13:41.20 --> 00:13:46.68] better you know in integrate and like [00:13:43.80 --> 00:13:49.00] start their studies smoothly because uh [00:13:46.68 --> 00:13:52.64] once you start the studies uh you also [00:13:49.00 --> 00:13:55.36] have to be um ready for your uh life [00:13:52.64 --> 00:13:57.12] staying you have a room or else you will [00:13:55.36 --> 00:14:00.56] not be able to focus on your student [00:13:57.12 --> 00:14:02.80] life yeah definitely I think uh having [00:14:00.56 --> 00:14:04.28] having the right amount of tutors and [00:14:02.80 --> 00:14:06.68] good tutors [00:14:04.28 --> 00:14:10.80] which is is really important and that's [00:14:06.68 --> 00:14:12.88] why our tutor trainings are maybe a bit [00:14:10.80 --> 00:14:15.16] uh longer and take a little bit more [00:14:12.88 --> 00:14:17.80] effort than some other student unions [00:14:15.16 --> 00:14:19.88] but we have worked on it a lot for this [00:14:17.80 --> 00:14:22.36] particular reason that especially for [00:14:19.88 --> 00:14:24.92] the international students yeah to help [00:14:22.36 --> 00:14:27.60] them integrate faster into Finland and [00:14:24.92 --> 00:14:30.24] the Finnish student life because it's [00:14:27.60 --> 00:14:32.28] it's a big change coming from somewhere [00:14:30.24 --> 00:14:34.92] maybe even outside the EU and then you [00:14:32.28 --> 00:14:37.32] move to Finland and you start to study [00:14:34.92 --> 00:14:40.04] and you get the entire Student Life [00:14:37.32 --> 00:14:42.76] culture so it's a it's a big shift in [00:14:40.04 --> 00:14:45.52] your everyday life yeah definitely so [00:14:42.76 --> 00:14:47.28] that's why I I really value our tutors [00:14:45.52 --> 00:14:50.52] they are really good at what they do and [00:14:47.28 --> 00:14:54.60] I'm pretty proud of our tutor trainings [00:14:50.52 --> 00:14:56.32] they we've thought almost of everything [00:14:54.60 --> 00:14:58.32] when it comes to the trainings and I'm [00:14:56.32 --> 00:15:00.64] I'm really happy with that yes I think [00:14:58.32 --> 00:15:02.84] the tutor training is also covered a lot [00:15:00.64 --> 00:15:04.84] like what you bear in mind sometimes [00:15:02.84 --> 00:15:07.00] like you might know how to help but [00:15:04.84 --> 00:15:09.20] there can always be cultural differences [00:15:07.00 --> 00:15:11.56] also like between each other and then [00:15:09.20 --> 00:15:14.60] there can be misunderstanding so how to [00:15:11.56 --> 00:15:16.88] minimize any like you know conflicts or [00:15:14.60 --> 00:15:18.88] any issues like there's also cultural [00:15:16.88 --> 00:15:21.12] awareness in the trainings as well not [00:15:18.88 --> 00:15:23.44] just like what to do but also like the [00:15:21.12 --> 00:15:25.84] attitude also soft skills kind of [00:15:23.44 --> 00:15:28.04] communication training yeah definitely [00:15:25.84 --> 00:15:30.16] I've been also mixing with the [00:15:28.04 --> 00:15:32.88] international student and also the [00:15:30.16 --> 00:15:34.48] Finnish students together and I've been [00:15:32.88 --> 00:15:35.96] having a great balance of knowing some [00:15:34.48 --> 00:15:38.32] Finn students as well but how do you [00:15:35.96 --> 00:15:40.08] think is the situation of the Finnish [00:15:38.32 --> 00:15:42.52] students and international students as a [00:15:40.08 --> 00:15:45.08] community together uh definitely it can [00:15:42.52 --> 00:15:47.80] be improved but I think we're at a [00:15:45.08 --> 00:15:49.08] pretty good place right now since W is a [00:15:47.80 --> 00:15:52.68] Bilingual [00:15:49.08 --> 00:15:55.44] School uh Finnish and English and almost [00:15:52.68 --> 00:15:57.56] every single student at VAMK knows uh [00:15:55.44 --> 00:15:59.44] English well enough to talk with [00:15:57.56 --> 00:16:02.44] International students even though it's [00:15:59.44 --> 00:16:05.52] not their native language so I don't [00:16:02.44 --> 00:16:07.16] think or I think that it's pretty good [00:16:05.52 --> 00:16:10.04] there are of course as you mentioned [00:16:07.16 --> 00:16:12.28] there are some cultural differences that [00:16:10.04 --> 00:16:13.20] we can as the Student Union we can see [00:16:12.28 --> 00:16:16.16] those [00:16:13.20 --> 00:16:18.12] differences but in general I think it's [00:16:16.16 --> 00:16:22.32] quite good obviously there are things to [00:16:18.12 --> 00:16:24.68] improve on but that it depends on a lot [00:16:22.32 --> 00:16:28.00] of different factors it might be we need [00:16:24.68 --> 00:16:30.64] to educate our tutors better and it also [00:16:28.00 --> 00:16:33.84] there is still a level of responsibility [00:16:30.64 --> 00:16:36.32] on the students themselves to be active [00:16:33.84 --> 00:16:39.24] and try to make friends uh inside of [00:16:36.32 --> 00:16:43.00] their class and even with the Finnish [00:16:39.24 --> 00:16:45.48] speaking students so we try to help as [00:16:43.00 --> 00:16:48.08] much as we can but they also need to be [00:16:45.48 --> 00:16:50.52] active themselves to make that happen [00:16:48.08 --> 00:16:53.00] that's true I I agree as well because [00:16:50.52 --> 00:16:55.00] like being active is really important [00:16:53.00 --> 00:16:57.16] whether like no matter how much like the [00:16:55.00 --> 00:16:59.08] Student Union can support it will not be [00:16:57.16 --> 00:17:01.88] effective unless the student themselves [00:16:59.08 --> 00:17:03.52] can be more active and more engaged in [00:17:01.88 --> 00:17:06.72] activities as well because there's a lot [00:17:03.52 --> 00:17:09.24] to do but it's up to us the students to [00:17:06.72 --> 00:17:11.28] also uh grab the opportunities to become [00:17:09.24 --> 00:17:13.88] one and or else it will be kind of just [00:17:11.28 --> 00:17:16.32] you'll feel not comfortable studying and [00:17:13.88 --> 00:17:18.60] that that's also so and and also I know [00:17:16.32 --> 00:17:21.40] that um like if we have issues we can [00:17:18.60 --> 00:17:24.24] always contact to the like harassment [00:17:21.40 --> 00:17:26.12] contact person inok so like that is also [00:17:24.24 --> 00:17:28.00] I think really helpful cuz uh I've [00:17:26.12 --> 00:17:31.24] experienced like some exchange students [00:17:28.00 --> 00:17:33.44] coming to uh and then there are some uh [00:17:31.24 --> 00:17:35.36] misunderstandings between other exchange [00:17:33.44 --> 00:17:37.28] students among themselves and then [00:17:35.36 --> 00:17:39.20] tutors can like also guide them to [00:17:37.28 --> 00:17:41.68] contact to the harassment contact person [00:17:39.20 --> 00:17:44.96] so they can proceed with how to resolve [00:17:41.68 --> 00:17:48.12] this issue and how to uh minimize any [00:17:44.96 --> 00:17:50.96] bad results yeah I think pretty far F [00:17:48.12 --> 00:17:53.08] has been like International itself so it [00:17:50.96 --> 00:17:54.92] has been not really much of a problem so [00:17:53.08 --> 00:17:57.04] I think now the student Community is [00:17:54.92 --> 00:17:59.72] pretty yeah yeah not really since W is a [00:17:57.04 --> 00:18:02.00] bilingual and W has a [00:17:59.72 --> 00:18:04.36] big goal of being a very international [00:18:02.00 --> 00:18:07.84] school which I think is really good I [00:18:04.36 --> 00:18:10.64] think Finland definitely needs more [00:18:07.84 --> 00:18:13.76] International students and in Vaasa [00:18:10.64 --> 00:18:16.52] especially when there there's such good [00:18:13.76 --> 00:18:18.12] uh employment opportunities I think Vaasa [00:18:16.52 --> 00:18:19.72] really could benefit from a lot of [00:18:18.12 --> 00:18:22.92] international students and I think it's [00:18:19.72 --> 00:18:24.96] really good that bum is actively trying [00:18:22.92 --> 00:18:27.16] to get more International students here [00:18:24.96 --> 00:18:29.20] and trying to integrate them into the [00:18:27.16 --> 00:18:31.72] Finish life a bit better into the finish [00:18:29.20 --> 00:18:34.32] working life so that the people who come [00:18:31.72 --> 00:18:37.16] here would would want to stay here even [00:18:34.32 --> 00:18:39.72] after their studies raise a family here [00:18:37.16 --> 00:18:42.20] and get a job and live their life here [00:18:39.72 --> 00:18:44.28] in Vaasa yeah yeah and of course it all [00:18:42.20 --> 00:18:47.88] comes down like how they have enjoyed [00:18:44.28 --> 00:18:50.16] their studiesa in like so the role that [00:18:47.88 --> 00:18:52.12] the school itself and also the VAMOK plays [00:18:50.16 --> 00:18:54.96] in the students life on how they can [00:18:52.12 --> 00:18:57.08] enjoy is really um precious I would say [00:18:54.96 --> 00:18:59.76] so they would like say yeah I belong to [00:18:57.08 --> 00:19:01.48] VAMK like I belong to here even though I [00:18:59.76 --> 00:19:04.08] came from a different country so you get [00:19:01.48 --> 00:19:05.56] that kind of familiar sense of belonging [00:19:04.08 --> 00:19:07.88] like when you enjoy your student Life [00:19:05.56 --> 00:19:10.12] Community yeah so how do you envision in [00:19:07.88 --> 00:19:12.48] the future I would in general I would [00:19:10.12 --> 00:19:15.52] really love to see more International [00:19:12.48 --> 00:19:19.00] students in VAMK even there are plenty but [00:19:15.52 --> 00:19:21.24] even more and just have the student [00:19:19.00 --> 00:19:24.64] Community a little bit more a little bit [00:19:21.24 --> 00:19:27.40] tighter TI to try to integrate The [00:19:24.64 --> 00:19:29.84] Finnish culture with the different [00:19:27.40 --> 00:19:32.84] International cultures we have and try [00:19:29.84 --> 00:19:34.56] to create a big student community that [00:19:32.84 --> 00:19:36.88] would be my dream obviously I don't [00:19:34.56 --> 00:19:39.00] think that's even possible so that [00:19:36.88 --> 00:19:40.56] everyone would be included in that but [00:19:39.00 --> 00:19:43.56] that's my dream and I I think we're on [00:19:40.56 --> 00:19:46.56] the right track getting there at the [00:19:43.56 --> 00:19:49.56] moment and that also depends a lot on [00:19:46.56 --> 00:19:52.08] the students activities but we need to [00:19:49.56 --> 00:19:54.24] create an environment where the [00:19:52.08 --> 00:19:57.48] international and the Finnish [00:19:54.24 --> 00:20:00.80] students can enter all these different [00:19:57.48 --> 00:20:02.80] things whether it be events or career [00:20:00.80 --> 00:20:04.96] events or recruitment events or anything [00:20:02.80 --> 00:20:06.68] like this we need to create an En an [00:20:04.96 --> 00:20:09.00] environment where it's easy for the [00:20:06.68 --> 00:20:12.32] students to participate in all of these [00:20:09.00 --> 00:20:15.60] activities so I think that's how I will [00:20:12.32 --> 00:20:18.68] I would envision it it'll be better yes [00:20:15.60 --> 00:20:21.56] I truly hope and I truly believe that [00:20:18.68 --> 00:20:24.76] and I want the Student Union to be a [00:20:21.56 --> 00:20:26.60] part of it and make it easy for the [00:20:24.76 --> 00:20:28.24] students to create that big Community [00:20:26.60 --> 00:20:32.28] because we can't create it for them we [00:20:28.24 --> 00:20:34.24] can only create the framework for that [00:20:32.28 --> 00:20:36.76] Community yeah that's true definitely [00:20:34.24 --> 00:20:39.04] and it's really heartwarming to hear uh [00:20:36.76 --> 00:20:40.32] from a finish local student like you [00:20:39.04 --> 00:20:42.16] also them themselves like you're [00:20:40.32 --> 00:20:44.56] welcoming more International students [00:20:42.16 --> 00:20:46.64] like happily welcoming so it feels more [00:20:44.56 --> 00:20:48.32] encouraging for the other upcoming [00:20:46.64 --> 00:20:50.44] International students and of course all [00:20:48.32 --> 00:20:52.80] the existing students like me to more [00:20:50.44 --> 00:20:55.04] like stay in Finland more as well cuz it [00:20:52.80 --> 00:20:57.68] feels much more welcomed you know yeah [00:20:55.04 --> 00:21:00.16] yeah awesome good to hear yeah [00:20:57.68 --> 00:21:02.20] definitely so do you have any like [00:21:00.16 --> 00:21:03.84] messages or advises to upcoming [00:21:02.20 --> 00:21:07.04] International students who would like to [00:21:03.84 --> 00:21:10.04] come to study to VAMK and anything in [00:21:07.04 --> 00:21:13.60] general um with the risk of repeating [00:21:10.04 --> 00:21:15.88] myself a lot in I would say if I had if [00:21:13.60 --> 00:21:19.12] I could only give one piece of advice I [00:21:15.88 --> 00:21:22.64] would say be active as the VAMK slogan goes [00:21:19.12 --> 00:21:25.04] "be bold" be bold be bold so come here [00:21:22.64 --> 00:21:28.64] take part in everything you can try to [00:21:25.04 --> 00:21:31.88] go to events go to recruitment events [00:21:28.64 --> 00:21:34.80] try to create a network not only for [00:21:31.88 --> 00:21:37.44] your career but for your life because if [00:21:34.80 --> 00:21:40.12] you come here and you and you be active [00:21:37.44 --> 00:21:41.60] you will make a lot a lot new friends [00:21:40.12 --> 00:21:45.88] and you will learn a lot about the [00:21:41.60 --> 00:21:48.16] Finnish culture so I would sum it up be [00:21:45.88 --> 00:21:51.20] bold if you come here and please come [00:21:48.16 --> 00:21:53.96] here yes thank you I'm bold enough also [00:21:51.20 --> 00:21:55.72] I guess yeah you are I am being active [00:21:53.96 --> 00:21:57.32] so yes thank you so much that is really [00:21:55.72 --> 00:21:59.88] a nice discussion and I think I've [00:21:57.32 --> 00:22:02.08] reflected on my uh stay here as two [00:21:59.88 --> 00:22:04.08] years uh of course including this year [00:22:02.08 --> 00:22:06.20] and I have been enjoying and as much as [00:22:04.08 --> 00:22:08.60] I can actively participating in these [00:22:06.20 --> 00:22:09.88] events and it's not just about jobs and [00:22:08.60 --> 00:22:11.88] everything it's all about social [00:22:09.88 --> 00:22:13.80] connections and how you feel connected [00:22:11.88 --> 00:22:16.96] to these people and you know when you're [00:22:13.80 --> 00:22:19.48] connected you also get uh the network to [00:22:16.96 --> 00:22:21.08] more possibilities like so much more [00:22:19.48 --> 00:22:22.92] possibilities that you will know you [00:22:21.08 --> 00:22:24.68] will one day you're just classmate but [00:22:22.92 --> 00:22:26.40] next day you can be business partners [00:22:24.68 --> 00:22:28.36] together yeah exactly the sky is the [00:22:26.40 --> 00:22:31.44] limit yeah the sky is the limit so be [00:22:28.36 --> 00:22:33.76] both B be bold okay thank you so much a [00:22:31.44 --> 00:22:35.92] for having us with us today so thank you [00:22:33.76 --> 00:22:38.80] for having me yes thank you byebye have [00:22:35.92 --> 00:22:38.80] a nice day you [00:22:41.32 --> 00:22:47.60] too thank you everyone for tuning in to [00:22:44.28 --> 00:22:50.80] this episode of VAMK Academic Adventures we [00:22:47.60 --> 00:22:50.80] will see you in the next [00:22:56.24 --> 00:22:59.24] episode!
Smart Learning – Älykäs oppiminen
VAMK Academic Adventures – Episode 2: VAMK Student Community
Dive into Episode #2 of VAMK Academic Adventures as we explore the student community at VAMK, featuring Otto Mäkiniemi, President of the VAMOK student union. Learn about the vital role of the student union in supporting international students and creating a vibrant community. Tune in to uncover the secrets to a fulfilling student life at VAMK.
SARJA | VAMK Academic Adventures
KESTO | 22:57
VIERAAT | Francis Oyeyiola, Adebayo, Navi, Wiame, Pablo