[00:00:01.83 --> 00:00:11.40] [Music] [00:00:11.64 --> 00:00:17.68] hello everyone welcome to the last [00:00:14.00 --> 00:00:19.64] episode of VAMK academic Adventures today [00:00:17.68 --> 00:00:22.04] in this episode we'll be discovering [00:00:19.64 --> 00:00:25.12] about the master programs available in [00:00:22.04 --> 00:00:27.92] VAMK and also from the honest opinions of [00:00:25.12 --> 00:00:29.84] our own lecturer and also our student [00:00:27.92 --> 00:00:32.08] that is studying in master program so we [00:00:29.84 --> 00:00:35.72] have two guests today and let's [00:00:32.08 --> 00:00:37.76] introduce them so first hello Adebayo yes [00:00:35.72 --> 00:00:39.84] hello how are you doing today I'm doing [00:00:37.76 --> 00:00:42.72] great the sun is shining today so I'm [00:00:39.84 --> 00:00:47.12] feeling nice so could you a little bit [00:00:42.72 --> 00:00:51.40] introduce us uh who you are okay um [00:00:47.12 --> 00:00:53.76] briefly um my name is Adebayo I've been [00:00:51.40 --> 00:00:57.60] in VAMK since [00:00:53.76 --> 00:01:00.16] 1997 and at the beginning of 2016 we had [00:00:57.60 --> 00:01:02.28] this um master's program in Project [00:01:00.16 --> 00:01:05.28] management which I'm currently [00:01:02.28 --> 00:01:08.64] coordinating and I also teach in the [00:01:05.28 --> 00:01:11.44] mechanical and Energy Engineering [00:01:08.64 --> 00:01:15.00] Department okay nice seeing you here [00:01:11.44 --> 00:01:17.96] again Adebayo thank you for coming okay hello [00:01:15.00 --> 00:01:20.68] Pablo so could you introduce who you are [00:01:17.96 --> 00:01:23.56] and what you're studying absolutely [00:01:20.68 --> 00:01:25.64] thanks for the invitation here today um [00:01:23.56 --> 00:01:29.00] so my name is Pablo so I'm originally [00:01:25.64 --> 00:01:31.44] from Mexico I came to Finland about five [00:01:29.00 --> 00:01:35.68] years ago [00:01:31.44 --> 00:01:37.88] um uh and now I'm I'm a student at the [00:01:35.68 --> 00:01:41.12] master's program in project management [00:01:37.88 --> 00:01:43.12] on the engineering Branch at VAMK and uh [00:01:41.12 --> 00:01:45.32] yeah it's nice to be here thank you okay [00:01:43.12 --> 00:01:47.28] nice to be here I'm Kay and I'll be [00:01:45.32 --> 00:01:49.56] hosting today's episode but also [00:01:47.28 --> 00:01:51.52] discussing and uh a little bit about the [00:01:49.56 --> 00:01:53.48] master's program here because I know [00:01:51.52 --> 00:01:56.96] there are like different Master programs [00:01:53.48 --> 00:01:59.64] here involved in both business side and [00:01:56.96 --> 00:02:02.28] um technology engineering side so could [00:01:59.64 --> 00:02:04.96] you tell like uh generally how these [00:02:02.28 --> 00:02:07.88] programs are designed like yeah because [00:02:04.96 --> 00:02:10.56] um the idea of the master's program is [00:02:07.88 --> 00:02:13.32] kind of like targeted to students who [00:02:10.56 --> 00:02:16.20] are basically working in Industries and [00:02:13.32 --> 00:02:18.72] have probably maybe minimum two years of [00:02:16.20 --> 00:02:21.56] working experience and then they would [00:02:18.72 --> 00:02:24.80] like to probably gain some knowledge [00:02:21.56 --> 00:02:26.80] that can enhance their practical skills [00:02:24.80 --> 00:02:30.28] in the in the in the various Industries [00:02:26.80 --> 00:02:32.88] so we have many currently many masters [00:02:30.28 --> 00:02:35.48] programs and I I'm basically in the [00:02:32.88 --> 00:02:37.88] project management side and we design [00:02:35.48 --> 00:02:39.92] the curriculums usually by talking to [00:02:37.88 --> 00:02:41.64] the industries and then seeing the [00:02:39.92 --> 00:02:43.52] industry needs and then designing the [00:02:41.64 --> 00:02:46.44] curriculum to fit the current needs of [00:02:43.52 --> 00:02:48.92] the industries so which means that we [00:02:46.44 --> 00:02:51.36] must be dynamic and flexible so from [00:02:48.92 --> 00:02:53.08] year to year we try to see the current [00:02:51.36 --> 00:02:55.64] trends in the industry talk to them and [00:02:53.08 --> 00:02:57.84] then try to see whether our programs are [00:02:55.64 --> 00:03:00.68] designed to match their current [00:02:57.84 --> 00:03:02.52] industrial needs so it's it's like uh [00:03:00.68 --> 00:03:05.36] it's always up to date with the current [00:03:02.52 --> 00:03:07.48] industry and kind of matching and also [00:03:05.36 --> 00:03:10.04] uh since the requirement is the students [00:03:07.48 --> 00:03:11.88] should have prior work experience so not [00:03:10.04 --> 00:03:13.76] straight after Bachelors or not [00:03:11.88 --> 00:03:16.08] something like a little bit of work [00:03:13.76 --> 00:03:18.40] experience already yeah because we want [00:03:16.08 --> 00:03:24.16] them to be able to use the knowledge [00:03:18.40 --> 00:03:25.96] they gain mhm in the program to improve [00:03:24.16 --> 00:03:27.92] practices at their working place so if [00:03:25.96 --> 00:03:29.84] you don't have a working place you just [00:03:27.92 --> 00:03:33.76] have the knowledge and then I prefer [00:03:29.84 --> 00:03:36.36] that the students have um some kind of [00:03:33.76 --> 00:03:38.04] not problems challenges in their working [00:03:36.36 --> 00:03:41.52] environment they bring it to the [00:03:38.04 --> 00:03:43.52] lectures and then we look at it from a [00:03:41.52 --> 00:03:44.80] theoretical perspective and they go back [00:03:43.52 --> 00:03:47.36] and they improve the situation so [00:03:44.80 --> 00:03:49.20] there's a kind of interaction between [00:03:47.36 --> 00:03:52.24] theory and practice so that is the key [00:03:49.20 --> 00:03:54.28] focus of the program so we really prefer [00:03:52.24 --> 00:03:57.44] to have students who have some working [00:03:54.28 --> 00:03:59.12] experience in their own different fields [00:03:57.44 --> 00:04:01.04] yes definitely and I think that is [00:03:59.12 --> 00:04:01.96] really important and it sounds kind of [00:04:01.04 --> 00:04:04.48] like a [00:04:01.96 --> 00:04:06.92] mentor uh and more like rather than a [00:04:04.48 --> 00:04:09.16] teacher more like mentoring kind of [00:04:06.92 --> 00:04:10.95] design is it correct yes I tell my [00:04:09.16 --> 00:04:13.00] students that they shouldn't call me [00:04:10.95 --> 00:04:16.80] [Music] [00:04:13.00 --> 00:04:18.04] teacher confir yes I prefer that I [00:04:16.80 --> 00:04:19.80] prefer this kind of coaching and [00:04:18.04 --> 00:04:21.88] mentoring because some of them are [00:04:19.80 --> 00:04:24.92] managers you have project managers [00:04:21.88 --> 00:04:26.80] project controllers I can't teach them [00:04:24.92 --> 00:04:28.68] that's true that's true yeah I think [00:04:26.80 --> 00:04:30.88] maybe Pablo can also since we're already [00:04:28.68 --> 00:04:33.52] on this topic about more mentoring and [00:04:30.88 --> 00:04:35.28] more coaching like how do you feel as a [00:04:33.52 --> 00:04:37.40] student studying here even though of [00:04:35.28 --> 00:04:40.40] course you're already working outside at [00:04:37.40 --> 00:04:44.36] the moment maybe yeah yeah so just to go [00:04:40.40 --> 00:04:47.72] back to the point that Ade made before so [00:04:44.36 --> 00:04:49.04] it is in fact a prerequisite to work in [00:04:47.72 --> 00:04:52.72] this program to already have some [00:04:49.04 --> 00:04:54.32] experience like working experience so so [00:04:52.72 --> 00:04:57.12] referring to what you asked about the [00:04:54.32 --> 00:04:59.76] the mentoring approach I think it's [00:04:57.12 --> 00:05:01.48] since many or or all the participants [00:04:59.76 --> 00:05:03.24] the program already have working [00:05:01.48 --> 00:05:05.08] experience from previous years or they [00:05:03.24 --> 00:05:07.08] are currently working in the industry or [00:05:05.08 --> 00:05:11.92] I myself work at the University here [00:05:07.08 --> 00:05:15.48] next door um so so it's it is very true [00:05:11.92 --> 00:05:19.04] and I think a very accurate approach to [00:05:15.48 --> 00:05:20.80] not like the the the teacher although [00:05:19.04 --> 00:05:24.20] you prefer not to be called [00:05:20.80 --> 00:05:27.92] teacher uh is is like guiding you on the [00:05:24.20 --> 00:05:30.20] journey rather than like so it sort of [00:05:27.92 --> 00:05:33.32] makes you think and question yourself [00:05:30.20 --> 00:05:35.84] what you currently do at work and how to [00:05:33.32 --> 00:05:38.76] like connect the theory you learn in the [00:05:35.84 --> 00:05:41.28] classroom with the practice that you [00:05:38.76 --> 00:05:43.60] currently do or have done previously at [00:05:41.28 --> 00:05:45.68] work so it's in that way like more of [00:05:43.60 --> 00:05:48.04] the mentoring yep way of doing things I [00:05:45.68 --> 00:05:50.40] guess okay yeah that is really I think [00:05:48.04 --> 00:05:52.04] interesting and also because of course [00:05:50.40 --> 00:05:54.28] uh it's different in the University of [00:05:52.04 --> 00:05:56.32] apply sciences and universities also [00:05:54.28 --> 00:05:58.28] because for universities as much as I [00:05:56.32 --> 00:05:59.96] know like they can go straight into [00:05:58.28 --> 00:06:02.04] Masters without having any work work [00:05:59.96 --> 00:06:04.52] experience so I think this is a little [00:06:02.04 --> 00:06:06.36] bit more different yeah but of course [00:06:04.52 --> 00:06:08.96] I'm also like currently a bachelor [00:06:06.36 --> 00:06:12.08] student and after working a few years I [00:06:08.96 --> 00:06:14.24] also plan to uh studies Masters myself [00:06:12.08 --> 00:06:16.60] so this can be prior knowledge like how [00:06:14.24 --> 00:06:18.84] I can be which master program I can [00:06:16.60 --> 00:06:21.36] choose so for me maybe this is kind of [00:06:18.84 --> 00:06:24.80] uh useful since I will attend only [00:06:21.36 --> 00:06:27.12] Masters after uh having and gaining work [00:06:24.80 --> 00:06:30.08] experience y that is if you want to come [00:06:27.12 --> 00:06:31.44] to the apply Sciences to do your but if [00:06:30.08 --> 00:06:33.84] you are going to your University [00:06:31.44 --> 00:06:36.00] directly then you don't need to work as [00:06:33.84 --> 00:06:39.44] Pablo mentioned earlier definitely yeah [00:06:36.00 --> 00:06:41.32] so yeah so I I guess like back onto the [00:06:39.44 --> 00:06:44.00] learning experience like because you [00:06:41.32 --> 00:06:46.44] have uh studied the program uh yourself [00:06:44.00 --> 00:06:48.80] also so how in maybe you can give us an [00:06:46.44 --> 00:06:51.00] example of how it has been helping you [00:06:48.80 --> 00:06:54.64] so far in your work also like trying to [00:06:51.00 --> 00:06:58.52] connect these theories and also to uh [00:06:54.64 --> 00:07:01.96] your real world working experience Okay [00:06:58.52 --> 00:07:03.76] so so I have been working in projects [00:07:01.96 --> 00:07:07.20] like fully in projects for about 3 years [00:07:03.76 --> 00:07:10.32] now and although I have learned like the [00:07:07.20 --> 00:07:12.80] the theoretical part at the University [00:07:10.32 --> 00:07:14.52] here in Finland before also back home in [00:07:12.80 --> 00:07:16.60] Mexico I studied industrial engineering [00:07:14.52 --> 00:07:18.72] as well so I I knew some of the theories [00:07:16.60 --> 00:07:20.24] and like the meth methodologies and [00:07:18.72 --> 00:07:21.20] tools and things to like manage and [00:07:20.24 --> 00:07:26.84] handle [00:07:21.20 --> 00:07:29.04] projects however uh now doing the work [00:07:26.84 --> 00:07:31.44] and the studies at the same time has [00:07:29.04 --> 00:07:33.92] allowed me me to to make the connections [00:07:31.44 --> 00:07:35.36] like in real time and to to bring [00:07:33.92 --> 00:07:38.44] perhaps some of the knowledge that I've [00:07:35.36 --> 00:07:40.80] gained from the past and try to to apply [00:07:38.44 --> 00:07:43.44] or to think okay I'm doing certain [00:07:40.80 --> 00:07:45.88] things ABC at work and I know how it's [00:07:43.44 --> 00:07:47.76] done but I might not know what it is in [00:07:45.88 --> 00:07:50.72] theory so it's it's good to to see in [00:07:47.76 --> 00:07:54.64] the in the uh inside the classroom [00:07:50.72 --> 00:07:56.20] Guided by the the mentor um like okay [00:07:54.64 --> 00:07:58.80] this methodology and then then you sort [00:07:56.20 --> 00:08:00.64] of click okay I've I've used this thing [00:07:58.80 --> 00:08:02.92] without knowing I was using that thing [00:08:00.64 --> 00:08:06.32] you know so so it's it's it's a really [00:08:02.92 --> 00:08:08.12] nice way of of handling your study [00:08:06.32 --> 00:08:10.24] Journey being in the classroom with [00:08:08.12 --> 00:08:11.96] other people who are currently working [00:08:10.24 --> 00:08:13.60] in the industry local industry or [00:08:11.96 --> 00:08:15.20] National Industry and also having [00:08:13.60 --> 00:08:18.24] experience from other countries that [00:08:15.20 --> 00:08:20.56] brings a wide diversity of of like [00:08:18.24 --> 00:08:22.88] points of view to the classroom which is [00:08:20.56 --> 00:08:25.12] also like it enriches the the the whole [00:08:22.88 --> 00:08:27.88] experience sounds like really more much [00:08:25.12 --> 00:08:30.28] more adding value to the work experience [00:08:27.88 --> 00:08:31.80] and your study experience also already [00:08:30.28 --> 00:08:36.76] yeah do you have any points do you want [00:08:31.80 --> 00:08:38.52] to add fine said it right yes yes yes I [00:08:36.76 --> 00:08:40.72] think uh that is really good thing for [00:08:38.52 --> 00:08:42.40] me to know as well and of course for all [00:08:40.72 --> 00:08:45.24] the potential students who wants to [00:08:42.40 --> 00:08:47.28] study Masters uh right here at Farm the [00:08:45.24 --> 00:08:49.80] students are also as you also working [00:08:47.28 --> 00:08:51.64] and studying at the same time how do you [00:08:49.80 --> 00:08:54.28] think that you can balance it like is it [00:08:51.64 --> 00:08:55.92] too hard to balance since it's going you [00:08:54.28 --> 00:08:58.52] know parallel [00:08:55.92 --> 00:09:03.00] together well I I I must say that [00:08:58.52 --> 00:09:06.36] luckily it has hasn't been um too [00:09:03.00 --> 00:09:08.16] demanding and therefore it allows you to [00:09:06.36 --> 00:09:11.56] handle your working life and personal [00:09:08.16 --> 00:09:13.72] life as well uh alongside the studies [00:09:11.56 --> 00:09:15.80] and since the courses are the lectures [00:09:13.72 --> 00:09:18.08] are held rather on on the weekends on [00:09:15.80 --> 00:09:20.28] Saturdays in on average I would say like [00:09:18.08 --> 00:09:22.72] every other although there's like two in [00:09:20.28 --> 00:09:24.88] a row and then like two two weeks Gap so [00:09:22.72 --> 00:09:27.92] on average maybe every other week [00:09:24.88 --> 00:09:29.56] so it it's I think it's rather easy to [00:09:27.92 --> 00:09:31.44] keep the balance with your working and [00:09:29.56 --> 00:09:34.36] personal life and studies at this stage [00:09:31.44 --> 00:09:37.20] of your life where well doing like many [00:09:34.36 --> 00:09:38.88] plates on your hands right yeah so so I [00:09:37.20 --> 00:09:40.08] mean I don't have a family myself maybe [00:09:38.88 --> 00:09:43.16] it's a different story for those who [00:09:40.08 --> 00:09:44.68] have kids but yeah from my experience I [00:09:43.16 --> 00:09:47.00] think it's you can manage to keep the [00:09:44.68 --> 00:09:49.84] balance so so yeah I would encourage [00:09:47.00 --> 00:09:51.56] people to to to try it that is also good [00:09:49.84 --> 00:09:54.40] to know because some people might worry [00:09:51.56 --> 00:09:55.72] like if they have to stop working uh [00:09:54.40 --> 00:09:58.00] like you know if they want to study [00:09:55.72 --> 00:10:00.00] master so now that it's like you can [00:09:58.00 --> 00:10:03.20] balance it you can try to have a balance [00:10:00.00 --> 00:10:04.84] not just between work and uh studies but [00:10:03.20 --> 00:10:07.64] also with your personal life I think [00:10:04.84 --> 00:10:09.76] that is a really good addon um [00:10:07.64 --> 00:10:13.76] educational experience for those who [00:10:09.76 --> 00:10:15.76] want to study Masters as well but from a [00:10:13.76 --> 00:10:16.68] uh not a teacher from a mentor's point [00:10:15.76 --> 00:10:18.88] of [00:10:16.68 --> 00:10:20.60] view as you would not like to be called [00:10:18.88 --> 00:10:23.12] a teacher like from a mentor and from [00:10:20.60 --> 00:10:25.52] more of a Coach View how do you think [00:10:23.12 --> 00:10:27.56] it's like working with these um guiding [00:10:25.52 --> 00:10:29.28] these students with from different parts [00:10:27.56 --> 00:10:32.40] of the world coming to studies master [00:10:29.28 --> 00:10:35.96] ERS uh how is how is the classroom [00:10:32.40 --> 00:10:38.00] experience for you as well of course um [00:10:35.96 --> 00:10:40.08] I also came to Finland to to study as a [00:10:38.00 --> 00:10:43.36] student I have gone through most of the [00:10:40.08 --> 00:10:45.00] journey so I kind of understand them uh [00:10:43.36 --> 00:10:48.32] I can even empathize with their [00:10:45.00 --> 00:10:49.80] situation uh so I try to encourage them [00:10:48.32 --> 00:10:52.36] through this difficult time because [00:10:49.80 --> 00:10:54.96] coming to a new culture becomes very [00:10:52.36 --> 00:10:57.44] difficult but in the class room like [00:10:54.96 --> 00:10:58.84] Pablo mentioned the different um [00:10:57.44 --> 00:11:01.28] experiences from the students from [00:10:58.84 --> 00:11:04.92] different of the world it kind of [00:11:01.28 --> 00:11:07.84] enriches the class discussion because um [00:11:04.92 --> 00:11:10.96] usually I try to [00:11:07.84 --> 00:11:13.52] connect the lectures to practical life [00:11:10.96 --> 00:11:15.60] so usually the assignments I give them I [00:11:13.52 --> 00:11:17.24] try to make sure they connect it to [00:11:15.60 --> 00:11:18.76] their practical life or to their [00:11:17.24 --> 00:11:20.96] practical experiences so when you have [00:11:18.76 --> 00:11:23.36] these different experiences from [00:11:20.96 --> 00:11:24.88] different parts of the globe I think the [00:11:23.36 --> 00:11:26.20] classroom become very enrich and for [00:11:24.88 --> 00:11:28.40] from a teacher's perspective or a [00:11:26.20 --> 00:11:30.44] mentor's perspective I think it also [00:11:28.40 --> 00:11:32.56] helps me to [00:11:30.44 --> 00:11:34.92] understand and how to manage this [00:11:32.56 --> 00:11:36.88] diverse group of students who are [00:11:34.92 --> 00:11:38.44] interested to learn from me so that is [00:11:36.88 --> 00:11:40.92] something that I always keep in mind [00:11:38.44 --> 00:11:43.60] that's really wonderful that you can uh [00:11:40.92 --> 00:11:46.08] provide as a teacher as a guide uh as a [00:11:43.60 --> 00:11:47.68] coach uh to the students here and of [00:11:46.08 --> 00:11:50.04] course as you've been a student as well [00:11:47.68 --> 00:11:52.04] so you know what they have so there's [00:11:50.04 --> 00:11:54.84] more empathy from the lecturers [00:11:52.04 --> 00:11:57.08] themselves as well yeah uh and inside [00:11:54.84 --> 00:11:59.28] classrooms uh lectures and apart from [00:11:57.08 --> 00:12:01.68] that are there like any research [00:11:59.28 --> 00:12:04.08] projects that the teachers themselves go [00:12:01.68 --> 00:12:06.48] or like f itself goes that also the [00:12:04.08 --> 00:12:11.36] students can join Yes actually we [00:12:06.48 --> 00:12:14.16] discussed that last um year so this year [00:12:11.36 --> 00:12:15.96] I'm trying hard to see if I can um [00:12:14.16 --> 00:12:19.16] integrate some of the students in their [00:12:15.96 --> 00:12:21.60] research projects I do for example um [00:12:19.16 --> 00:12:25.48] I'm currently working on this project in [00:12:21.60 --> 00:12:27.36] VAMK called flexible Energy Systems [00:12:25.48 --> 00:12:29.20] integration and optimization and we're [00:12:27.36 --> 00:12:32.76] also currently doing projects in carbon [00:12:29.20 --> 00:12:34.44] option storage so with regard to Energy [00:12:32.76 --> 00:12:37.80] Systems I've tried to encourage students [00:12:34.44 --> 00:12:41.08] to do projects in like digitalization of [00:12:37.80 --> 00:12:43.44] project management or digitalization of [00:12:41.08 --> 00:12:45.04] renewable energy systems and even some [00:12:43.44 --> 00:12:46.56] are actually working on artificial [00:12:45.04 --> 00:12:49.28] intelligence the role they play in [00:12:46.56 --> 00:12:51.28] project management so I think in the [00:12:49.28 --> 00:12:53.24] next class I'm going to have with them [00:12:51.28 --> 00:12:55.52] in the research method class then I'm [00:12:53.24 --> 00:12:57.64] now prepare to give them a lot of [00:12:55.52 --> 00:12:59.36] potential topics that might be connected [00:12:57.64 --> 00:13:01.76] to the projects I'm doing because we [00:12:59.36 --> 00:13:04.56] discussed that last year that we should [00:13:01.76 --> 00:13:05.80] really encourage or connect the bank [00:13:04.56 --> 00:13:07.32] Master students to the different [00:13:05.80 --> 00:13:09.92] projects that we are doing currently in [00:13:07.32 --> 00:13:12.52] VAMK so the students themselves can get [00:13:09.92 --> 00:13:14.56] opportunities more in the future to be [00:13:12.52 --> 00:13:16.36] part part of the research projects as [00:13:14.56 --> 00:13:18.84] well yes even though they are not paid [00:13:16.36 --> 00:13:20.16] but it's more like a knowledge I think [00:13:18.84 --> 00:13:21.88] the payment will come later in their [00:13:20.16 --> 00:13:24.16] future career future career yeah [00:13:21.88 --> 00:13:26.36] definitely I think the experience uh to [00:13:24.16 --> 00:13:29.12] be able to be part of this will help a [00:13:26.36 --> 00:13:32.28] lot for also in maybe even for their [00:13:29.12 --> 00:13:33.96] current work experiences as well so yeah [00:13:32.28 --> 00:13:36.40] uh what about you Pablo do you have you [00:13:33.96 --> 00:13:38.96] ever like participated in any research [00:13:36.40 --> 00:13:40.88] projects in VAMK or like have you done [00:13:38.96 --> 00:13:43.72] some projects that is related to your [00:13:40.88 --> 00:13:46.96] work in your school as well uh during my [00:13:43.72 --> 00:13:48.28] time studying at VAMKuh we started in [00:13:46.96 --> 00:13:50.80] September [00:13:48.28 --> 00:13:53.96] 2023 and I haven't been part of any [00:13:50.80 --> 00:13:55.32] research project in VAMK uh however of [00:13:53.96 --> 00:13:58.76] course in order to graduate you need to [00:13:55.32 --> 00:14:02.12] write a thesis yes and my plan so far is [00:13:58.76 --> 00:14:04.96] to use the project I'm working on in [00:14:02.12 --> 00:14:07.88] real life like my my job but I do my [00:14:04.96 --> 00:14:09.40] project uh like to to find a case about [00:14:07.88 --> 00:14:13.04] certain topic that that I might be [00:14:09.40 --> 00:14:16.72] interested in and study it like further [00:14:13.04 --> 00:14:20.00] in in detail and use that as my case for [00:14:16.72 --> 00:14:22.32] for the thesis so so I haven't been yet [00:14:20.00 --> 00:14:25.00] at least working in any project that is [00:14:22.32 --> 00:14:27.24] been conducted VAMK but um through your [00:14:25.00 --> 00:14:28.72] thesis and now it's good to to hear that [00:14:27.24 --> 00:14:30.96] you will be presenting some potential [00:14:28.72 --> 00:14:33.40] topics on how to bring students on board [00:14:30.96 --> 00:14:35.76] um so yeah it there's there's [00:14:33.40 --> 00:14:38.24] possibilities to conduct research of [00:14:35.76 --> 00:14:39.88] course but it would be nice for for [00:14:38.24 --> 00:14:42.24] those especially that maybe are new in [00:14:39.88 --> 00:14:45.72] Finland and don't have a work here yet [00:14:42.24 --> 00:14:48.32] uh that they they are given the the the [00:14:45.72 --> 00:14:50.12] possibilities via the same university [00:14:48.32 --> 00:14:53.24] that where we're studying so and of [00:14:50.12 --> 00:14:54.76] course uh like you know if since you're [00:14:53.24 --> 00:14:56.84] already working you can also already [00:14:54.76 --> 00:14:58.64] choose a topic that will be related so [00:14:56.84 --> 00:15:00.44] the Masters you're doing will not be [00:14:58.64 --> 00:15:02.92] separated the thesis you will do not [00:15:00.44 --> 00:15:04.76] will be separate from uh the work that [00:15:02.92 --> 00:15:07.36] you're doing outside also so I think [00:15:04.76 --> 00:15:09.96] that is like a plus benefit for your uh [00:15:07.36 --> 00:15:12.40] real life uh working experience as well [00:15:09.96 --> 00:15:15.16] oh yeah absolutely and it relates like [00:15:12.40 --> 00:15:18.84] very heavily with what I said before [00:15:15.16 --> 00:15:21.72] that I I do my work in C certain way in [00:15:18.84 --> 00:15:23.72] real life but then what we've learned in [00:15:21.72 --> 00:15:25.12] the classroom it's like okay so this is [00:15:23.72 --> 00:15:27.60] actually [00:15:25.12 --> 00:15:29.72] called method or it's related to this [00:15:27.60 --> 00:15:32.04] Theory so then maybe like app [00:15:29.72 --> 00:15:34.96] the actual work the practice with the [00:15:32.04 --> 00:15:37.60] theory and so on so so so I consider [00:15:34.96 --> 00:15:40.00] myself lucky having a job that I that I [00:15:37.60 --> 00:15:41.68] can choose ask for my thesis it's nice [00:15:40.00 --> 00:15:43.04] in that way that you can apply your own [00:15:41.68 --> 00:15:45.28] topics from your life that you're [00:15:43.04 --> 00:15:46.92] interested in and like make the [00:15:45.28 --> 00:15:48.64] connections with the with Theory and of [00:15:46.92 --> 00:15:50.88] course the proper research questions um [00:15:48.64 --> 00:15:52.96] and of course now you're also uh you [00:15:50.88 --> 00:15:56.68] started your studies do you have any [00:15:52.96 --> 00:15:59.60] challenges and how did you overcome them [00:15:56.68 --> 00:16:01.60] um well so far [00:15:59.60 --> 00:16:05.68] I mean the usual challenges with the [00:16:01.60 --> 00:16:08.36] deadlines regular study um studying [00:16:05.68 --> 00:16:10.64] issues I think usually when you're a [00:16:08.36 --> 00:16:13.80] student regardless of the age you tend [00:16:10.64 --> 00:16:16.04] to leave things for the last moment so [00:16:13.80 --> 00:16:17.40] it's hard to to to keep up perhaps with [00:16:16.04 --> 00:16:20.72] the with the deadlines but then that's [00:16:17.40 --> 00:16:23.40] just it's a mindset thing like if if you [00:16:20.72 --> 00:16:25.20] have the deadlines clear in your head uh [00:16:23.40 --> 00:16:28.04] so far I haven't missed the deadline [00:16:25.20 --> 00:16:30.00] okay that's great but one time I forgot [00:16:28.04 --> 00:16:31.60] that something was so I had been working [00:16:30.00 --> 00:16:33.48] on it but I just didn't finish like the [00:16:31.60 --> 00:16:35.28] conclusions or something so I was just [00:16:33.48 --> 00:16:39.00] hurrying up the last night before [00:16:35.28 --> 00:16:40.96] submission um so luckily I haven't had [00:16:39.00 --> 00:16:43.00] any major challenges to be honest uh [00:16:40.96 --> 00:16:44.64] there is some commuting or there's been [00:16:43.00 --> 00:16:46.20] some commuting to say because I don't [00:16:44.64 --> 00:16:49.68] know if this this has been mentioned [00:16:46.20 --> 00:16:52.48] before uh it's like a joint program with [00:16:49.68 --> 00:16:54.40] s uh for instance so so the commuting [00:16:52.48 --> 00:16:56.40] back and fourth it's it's not a [00:16:54.40 --> 00:16:58.00] challenge but you got to wake up earlier [00:16:56.40 --> 00:17:00.72] and a certain Saturday that you need to [00:16:58.00 --> 00:17:03.40] go and so on but nothing really major [00:17:00.72 --> 00:17:05.48] that like lifechanging challenge no okay [00:17:03.40 --> 00:17:07.76] that's great that's great but yeah and [00:17:05.48 --> 00:17:09.32] also I do you see any of course you've [00:17:07.76 --> 00:17:12.64] had to handle with so much students you [00:17:09.32 --> 00:17:14.56] hear any challenges that students had to [00:17:12.64 --> 00:17:17.20] um go through and did you have to help [00:17:14.56 --> 00:17:20.00] them come come through these yes I think [00:17:17.20 --> 00:17:21.64] the key challenges um the students have [00:17:20.00 --> 00:17:24.88] especially the foreign students who [00:17:21.64 --> 00:17:28.00] coming from Asia Africa into the [00:17:24.88 --> 00:17:31.24] program we have different um learning [00:17:28.00 --> 00:17:33.12] cultures stud cultures so sometimes they [00:17:31.24 --> 00:17:34.88] might not even understand what the [00:17:33.12 --> 00:17:37.68] teacher is saying probably what the [00:17:34.88 --> 00:17:39.80] Finish teacher said or so I think those [00:17:37.68 --> 00:17:42.44] are the places that I try to meet them [00:17:39.80 --> 00:17:43.92] and try to tell them to relax it's not [00:17:42.44 --> 00:17:44.84] the end of the world yeah it's a [00:17:43.92 --> 00:17:47.00] learning [00:17:44.84 --> 00:17:50.08] curve the learning C doesn't kill [00:17:47.00 --> 00:17:51.12] anybody so it's just to um be able to [00:17:50.08 --> 00:17:53.76] understand I think that's the key [00:17:51.12 --> 00:17:55.44] challenge this cultural differences so [00:17:53.76 --> 00:17:57.84] actually we have the international year [00:17:55.44 --> 00:17:59.40] this year bank and we are trying to see [00:17:57.84 --> 00:18:03.16] if we can also [00:17:59.40 --> 00:18:06.84] encourage U more teachers to actually I [00:18:03.16 --> 00:18:08.60] wouldn't say develop but um try to be [00:18:06.84 --> 00:18:10.76] aware of their culture intelligence so [00:18:08.60 --> 00:18:12.00] that they can understand students from [00:18:10.76 --> 00:18:15.04] different background because sometimes [00:18:12.00 --> 00:18:17.52] you get a message and you wonder what [00:18:15.04 --> 00:18:19.08] you mean but it's just his culture so so [00:18:17.52 --> 00:18:22.48] I think those are the key challenges and [00:18:19.08 --> 00:18:25.36] also one will be to be able to find um [00:18:22.48 --> 00:18:27.92] companies in Finland where the foreign [00:18:25.36 --> 00:18:30.68] students can have some training or [00:18:27.92 --> 00:18:33.20] practical training to help them to [00:18:30.68 --> 00:18:35.64] really connect it because sometimes it's [00:18:33.20 --> 00:18:37.28] not so easy because if they don't have [00:18:35.64 --> 00:18:39.36] companies to do their thesis then [00:18:37.28 --> 00:18:42.16] becomes a big challenge for me as a [00:18:39.36 --> 00:18:43.76] teacher to find out what kind of the [00:18:42.16 --> 00:18:45.04] they should do what are the right [00:18:43.76 --> 00:18:47.36] methodology they should use in their [00:18:45.04 --> 00:18:50.28] Master de so that's the key challenge [00:18:47.36 --> 00:18:52.36] that I have as a as a mentor for them [00:18:50.28 --> 00:18:54.92] yeah I think cultural is fair cultural [00:18:52.36 --> 00:18:56.92] differences are a very big uh thing and [00:18:54.92 --> 00:18:58.52] you can have uh misunderstandings [00:18:56.92 --> 00:18:59.80] between just because of the culture [00:18:58.52 --> 00:19:02.00] differ [00:18:59.80 --> 00:19:04.16] both the students uh the international [00:19:02.00 --> 00:19:06.96] students who come to study abroad must [00:19:04.16 --> 00:19:09.72] also prepare to have a more like open [00:19:06.96 --> 00:19:11.72] mindset uh when studying abroad yeah [00:19:09.72 --> 00:19:13.96] because In some cultures they expect [00:19:11.72 --> 00:19:15.56] that like in Africa when I was growing [00:19:13.96 --> 00:19:16.72] up you expect the teacher must have all [00:19:15.56 --> 00:19:18.72] the [00:19:16.72 --> 00:19:20.52] answers and you come to Finland the [00:19:18.72 --> 00:19:22.04] teacher tells you I don't even know then [00:19:20.52 --> 00:19:25.16] you'll be wondering why is he here if he [00:19:22.04 --> 00:19:27.36] doesn't even know this differences is [00:19:25.16 --> 00:19:30.20] what you sometimes they tell me that oh [00:19:27.36 --> 00:19:31.80] the teachers don't tell told them that [00:19:30.20 --> 00:19:33.28] no response I said he doesn't know he [00:19:31.80 --> 00:19:34.80] said but he's a teacher it doesn't mean [00:19:33.28 --> 00:19:36.40] he should have all the answers so [00:19:34.80 --> 00:19:39.36] different cultures with different ways [00:19:36.40 --> 00:19:41.16] of how teachers are viewed and how [00:19:39.36 --> 00:19:42.84] students are allowed to ask questions [00:19:41.16 --> 00:19:44.24] and not to ask questions so these are [00:19:42.84 --> 00:19:47.32] the things I try [00:19:44.24 --> 00:19:50.16] to encourage those foreign students who [00:19:47.32 --> 00:19:52.08] approach me that hey just take it easy [00:19:50.16 --> 00:19:54.20] the world is not a place we kill [00:19:52.08 --> 00:19:57.44] ourselves we are here to study and to [00:19:54.20 --> 00:19:59.52] encourage one another okay yeah I'd like [00:19:57.44 --> 00:20:02.56] I'd like to add to add something about [00:19:59.52 --> 00:20:04.64] the um so for example you've been for [00:20:02.56 --> 00:20:07.16] such a long time in Finland already yeah [00:20:04.64 --> 00:20:09.36] that you you you could be considered [00:20:07.16 --> 00:20:12.20] like a double agent here like like a [00:20:09.36 --> 00:20:13.68] Finn but then also from Ghana as well so [00:20:12.20 --> 00:20:16.76] so what I want to say is [00:20:13.68 --> 00:20:19.60] that having so many nationalities in the [00:20:16.76 --> 00:20:21.72] classroom and having a teacher a mentor [00:20:19.60 --> 00:20:24.52] who is aware of both sides of the [00:20:21.72 --> 00:20:26.96] Finnish side and the non-Finnish side [00:20:24.52 --> 00:20:30.24] that's also really nice approach because [00:20:26.96 --> 00:20:33.08] you are you have been able to to [00:20:30.24 --> 00:20:34.36] communicate properly with with both [00:20:33.08 --> 00:20:36.96] finnished students and non-finished [00:20:34.36 --> 00:20:38.32] students like myself so this I don't [00:20:36.96 --> 00:20:40.00] know I think this is a really nice thing [00:20:38.32 --> 00:20:41.80] as well to this is like a plus in the [00:20:40.00 --> 00:20:43.76] program to me so yeah something to [00:20:41.80 --> 00:20:45.32] consider yeah I think that's really a [00:20:43.76 --> 00:20:48.24] good point because thank you very much [00:20:45.32 --> 00:20:51.52] for that but I'm not James [00:20:48.24 --> 00:20:55.00] Bond I'm not the double [00:20:51.52 --> 00:20:58.08] agent but somehow you are helping the [00:20:55.00 --> 00:20:59.68] students uh becoming more Adept and yeah [00:20:58.08 --> 00:21:01.80] of course like uh since you're also an [00:20:59.68 --> 00:21:03.64] international student yourself but uh [00:21:01.80 --> 00:21:06.08] were there very like big cultural [00:21:03.64 --> 00:21:08.04] differences that you had to uh adapt [00:21:06.08 --> 00:21:09.80] when studying in Finland in compared to [00:21:08.04 --> 00:21:13.36] when you're study in [00:21:09.80 --> 00:21:15.20] Mexico um well I don't remember all of [00:21:13.36 --> 00:21:17.88] them but something related to to [00:21:15.20 --> 00:21:21.00] studying is also similar to what you [00:21:17.88 --> 00:21:23.76] said uh in Mexico the for example the [00:21:21.00 --> 00:21:26.20] you would expect the teacher to sort of [00:21:23.76 --> 00:21:28.00] provide you with with the the tools and [00:21:26.20 --> 00:21:30.92] what what you need in order to to [00:21:28.00 --> 00:21:34.64] complete the for successfully but then [00:21:30.92 --> 00:21:36.44] here it's more like and it's it's not [00:21:34.64 --> 00:21:39.20] like better or worse it's just different [00:21:36.44 --> 00:21:41.44] right yeah so but then one coming from [00:21:39.20 --> 00:21:44.04] from elsewhere is expecting something to [00:21:41.44 --> 00:21:46.88] happen but then it just doesn't happen [00:21:44.04 --> 00:21:49.36] so then you end up like like sort of [00:21:46.88 --> 00:21:51.20] beating yourself up like ah but did I do [00:21:49.36 --> 00:21:53.56] something wrong is teacher mad at me or [00:21:51.20 --> 00:21:56.08] what did I do so so here is more like [00:21:53.56 --> 00:21:58.88] like a like a Hands-On approach like [00:21:56.08 --> 00:22:00.40] independent working independent so given [00:21:58.88 --> 00:22:01.12] with the Articles with the lectures with [00:22:00.40 --> 00:22:03.44] the [00:22:01.12 --> 00:22:05.20] tools and then you go through them on [00:22:03.44 --> 00:22:08.40] yourself and the next lecture you can [00:22:05.20 --> 00:22:12.12] ask questions or or we can we can [00:22:08.40 --> 00:22:13.96] discuss more so as I said it's it's not [00:22:12.12 --> 00:22:15.92] better or worse it's just different and [00:22:13.96 --> 00:22:17.56] this is like like a like a mindset you [00:22:15.92 --> 00:22:19.52] need you need to switch in your head [00:22:17.56 --> 00:22:21.48] when you're coming to to a different [00:22:19.52 --> 00:22:23.76] culture in terms of studies of course I [00:22:21.48 --> 00:22:26.20] think uh that's I think that also [00:22:23.76 --> 00:22:27.88] already prepares uh like the students [00:22:26.20 --> 00:22:29.08] that come from International so they [00:22:27.88 --> 00:22:30.92] adapt into [00:22:29.08 --> 00:22:33.68] International working environments as [00:22:30.92 --> 00:22:35.52] well like of course now that they had to [00:22:33.68 --> 00:22:37.40] uh work together with students from [00:22:35.52 --> 00:22:40.24] different countries and also experience [00:22:37.40 --> 00:22:43.44] finland's education I guess that is also [00:22:40.24 --> 00:22:45.40] uh somehow prepares them to better [00:22:43.44 --> 00:22:48.00] integrate into International working [00:22:45.40 --> 00:22:49.76] environment or even in Finland as well [00:22:48.00 --> 00:22:52.80] yeah I [00:22:49.76 --> 00:22:55.12] agree yeah yeah that's that's true and [00:22:52.80 --> 00:22:57.12] uh regarding like what you said about uh [00:22:55.12 --> 00:22:59.00] the companies I guess that is also the [00:22:57.12 --> 00:23:01.44] companies have to better [00:22:59.00 --> 00:23:03.08] provide more opportunities for the [00:23:01.44 --> 00:23:05.72] international students regarding the [00:23:03.08 --> 00:23:07.40] thesis opportunities or even practical [00:23:05.72 --> 00:23:09.80] trainings so that could help them [00:23:07.40 --> 00:23:11.36] further into for their studies and [00:23:09.80 --> 00:23:13.20] thesis and we're working on that I think [00:23:11.36 --> 00:23:15.40] it's already start to go so I think it [00:23:13.20 --> 00:23:17.76] will go much more better in the future [00:23:15.40 --> 00:23:21.44] as well yeah because I think um since we [00:23:17.76 --> 00:23:23.96] doing the projects with the companies [00:23:21.44 --> 00:23:27.96] because most of the projects we have uh [00:23:23.96 --> 00:23:30.44] with companies so I would say that [00:23:27.96 --> 00:23:32.64] through that if the master students are [00:23:30.44 --> 00:23:34.32] integrated in the research and [00:23:32.64 --> 00:23:36.76] development project in the school that [00:23:34.32 --> 00:23:39.08] becomes another Doorway to engage them [00:23:36.76 --> 00:23:41.48] with the company so we just started to [00:23:39.08 --> 00:23:43.08] think about that so I think as we grow [00:23:41.48 --> 00:23:45.44] in that path I think the situation will [00:23:43.08 --> 00:23:46.84] get better in better yes I think that's [00:23:45.44 --> 00:23:49.44] that's really great I think it's already [00:23:46.84 --> 00:23:53.80] started to go uh way so I guess it will [00:23:49.44 --> 00:23:55.92] just go up and improve yeah okay so [00:23:53.80 --> 00:23:58.04] since we've discussed like generally [00:23:55.92 --> 00:24:00.60] like about personal experience both from [00:23:58.04 --> 00:24:02.72] Adebayo and Pablo like what what would [00:24:00.60 --> 00:24:04.40] you say was the best thing you have been [00:24:02.72 --> 00:24:06.76] studying so far what is the best thing [00:24:04.40 --> 00:24:06.76] you would [00:24:06.92 --> 00:24:13.00] say are [00:24:09.52 --> 00:24:15.88] bio top three at least top three [00:24:13.00 --> 00:24:18.08] um I think the the flexibility that the [00:24:15.88 --> 00:24:19.36] program offers flexibility because [00:24:18.08 --> 00:24:22.24] everything has been taken into [00:24:19.36 --> 00:24:24.04] consideration since it's built the [00:24:22.24 --> 00:24:26.08] program is built and and meant for [00:24:24.04 --> 00:24:29.84] people who are working it's flexible [00:24:26.08 --> 00:24:33.04] enough to and you to to to balance [00:24:29.84 --> 00:24:35.60] everything in your life so that's [00:24:33.04 --> 00:24:37.64] something I've really liked and yeah [00:24:35.60 --> 00:24:40.76] something I'm I'm grateful for it's it's [00:24:37.64 --> 00:24:43.68] been it's been a nice Journey so far so [00:24:40.76 --> 00:24:45.80] okay all good yes that's great to know [00:24:43.68 --> 00:24:48.24] uh what about IO what do you think like [00:24:45.80 --> 00:24:50.96] is the best so [00:24:48.24 --> 00:24:53.32] far working with International students [00:24:50.96 --> 00:24:56.04] coming from all over the world I think [00:24:53.32 --> 00:24:58.92] that is one I think uh what I enjoy [00:24:56.04 --> 00:25:02.96] mostly is to see the [00:24:58.92 --> 00:25:06.00] students working in their companies M [00:25:02.96 --> 00:25:07.88] bringing up these challenges or problems [00:25:06.00 --> 00:25:10.80] in their company and then having the [00:25:07.88 --> 00:25:14.40] possibility to discuss with my knowledge [00:25:10.80 --> 00:25:16.40] and experience and then we come to some [00:25:14.40 --> 00:25:18.32] kind of solution it's always a good [00:25:16.40 --> 00:25:21.24] feeling because then they bring the [00:25:18.32 --> 00:25:24.20] challenges from the industries then we [00:25:21.24 --> 00:25:25.84] bring the knowledge we interact we [00:25:24.20 --> 00:25:27.56] discuss and we come up with a solution I [00:25:25.84 --> 00:25:29.72] think that's a good feeling that the [00:25:27.56 --> 00:25:31.72] program is achieving in its goal it [00:25:29.72 --> 00:25:33.64] really sounds to me like it is like the [00:25:31.72 --> 00:25:35.24] master programs environment is kind of [00:25:33.64 --> 00:25:38.40] really designed for the people who are [00:25:35.24 --> 00:25:40.52] working with flexibility and also uh [00:25:38.40 --> 00:25:43.08] working together with uh your own [00:25:40.52 --> 00:25:44.56] lecturer your own uh teachers as well [00:25:43.08 --> 00:25:46.88] which which makes it sound really like [00:25:44.56 --> 00:25:49.36] you know more personal personto person [00:25:46.88 --> 00:25:52.52] building Connections in the same way [00:25:49.36 --> 00:25:54.40] yeah so yeah so as for the last point do [00:25:52.52 --> 00:25:57.04] you have any advices that you want to [00:25:54.40 --> 00:25:59.36] give to upcoming potential students who [00:25:57.04 --> 00:26:01.88] want to study Masters. Maybe we can [00:25:59.36 --> 00:26:04.76] start with Pablo okay so I just like to [00:26:01.88 --> 00:26:06.16] say "Don't Be Afraid" um because sometimes [00:26:04.76 --> 00:26:08.92] when you think like Masters maybe it's [00:26:06.16 --> 00:26:12.84] like a huge Endeavor for you to to [00:26:08.92 --> 00:26:14.64] accomplish but it's it's not a as you [00:26:12.84 --> 00:26:16.96] always say it's just studying it's not [00:26:14.64 --> 00:26:18.84] like a life or death matter right so [00:26:16.96 --> 00:26:21.52] don't be afraid there's ways to to [00:26:18.84 --> 00:26:23.76] handle it is flexible and and uh yeah [00:26:21.52 --> 00:26:25.80] just just go for it okay that's what I [00:26:23.76 --> 00:26:28.00] would advise anyone who's planning in [00:26:25.80 --> 00:26:31.56] studying in VAMK yes I will take that in [00:26:28.00 --> 00:26:33.52] mind also not to be afraid yes and what [00:26:31.56 --> 00:26:36.32] about Adebayo what advice would you want [00:26:33.52 --> 00:26:40.56] to give to the forign students I'll tell [00:26:36.32 --> 00:26:44.72] them they should open up break their [00:26:40.56 --> 00:26:48.24] eggshells integrate create networks and [00:26:44.72 --> 00:26:50.04] then enjoy the network and be patient M [00:26:48.24 --> 00:26:53.64] and to my finished students too I will [00:26:50.04 --> 00:26:56.16] tell them that they have a pool of [00:26:53.64 --> 00:26:57.60] potential colleagues in front of them [00:26:56.16 --> 00:27:00.76] they should also get to know the foreign [00:26:57.60 --> 00:27:05.28] students MH integrate invite [00:27:00.76 --> 00:27:07.96] them and see how it goes mhm yes I will [00:27:05.28 --> 00:27:10.12] take both of your advices and remember [00:27:07.96 --> 00:27:11.44] that as well yeah and as a but even [00:27:10.12 --> 00:27:14.48] though I'm studying Bachelors at the [00:27:11.44 --> 00:27:16.48] moment I think really like uh being open [00:27:14.48 --> 00:27:18.84] and be patient like what you said as an [00:27:16.48 --> 00:27:20.72] international student and to try to [00:27:18.84 --> 00:27:23.20] integrate as much as possible has been [00:27:20.72 --> 00:27:25.56] the key things as me as a student but of [00:27:23.20 --> 00:27:27.76] course I'm not like full-time working at [00:27:25.56 --> 00:27:29.88] the moment so but yeah still I think [00:27:27.76 --> 00:27:32.48] this is still one really good point that [00:27:29.88 --> 00:27:36.84] makes me resilient when studying in [00:27:32.48 --> 00:27:38.88] Finland as well good yes okay so but [00:27:36.84 --> 00:27:40.68] anyways thank you so much for this great [00:27:38.88 --> 00:27:42.68] discussion today thank you for your time [00:27:40.68 --> 00:27:45.20] thank you so much and yes we'll hope [00:27:42.68 --> 00:27:46.76] we'll see in the future again definitely [00:27:45.20 --> 00:27:50.72] thank you yeah and have a nice day and [00:27:46.76 --> 00:27:56.36] enjoy your sun yes definitely enjoy the [00:27:50.72 --> 00:27:56.36] sunlight okay so bye-bye thank you thank [00:27:57.12 --> 00:28:02.60] bye [00:27:59.64 --> 00:28:05.36] so thank you everyone we have come to [00:28:02.60 --> 00:28:08.04] the very last episode of f academic [00:28:05.36 --> 00:28:10.36] adventures and we hope this series have [00:28:08.04 --> 00:28:12.40] provided you a great insight and [00:28:10.36 --> 00:28:15.12] knowledge that will help you to prepare [00:28:12.40 --> 00:28:17.08] for your journey in Finland or for you [00:28:15.12 --> 00:28:18.68] to driving in Finland as an [00:28:17.08 --> 00:28:22.84] international [00:28:18.68 --> 00:28:22.84] student see you soon [00:28:27.12 --> 00:28:30.12] bye-bye.
Smart Learning – Älykäs oppiminen
VAMK Academic Adventures – Episode 4: VAMK Master School
Tune in to Episode 4 of VAMK Academic Adventures as we delve into Master programs at VAMK. Our guests, VAMK lecturer Adebayo Abgejule and Master student Pablo Cisneros Chavira from Mexico, offer insights into program structures, learning experiences, and industry integration. Discover ongoing research projects and gain valuable advice for prospective Master's students. Join us for an enlightening discussion!
SARJA | VAMK Academic Adventures
KESTO | 28:30
VIERAAT | Francis Oyeyiola, Adebayo, Navi, Wiame, Pablo