Towards the audit

During the autumn, we will conduct self-assessment required by the audit in accordance with the instructions in the audit manual.

TEXT | Tarja Kettunen
Students at VAMK.

The themes will be presented and discussed in Quality Zooms and they be informed of in weekly Quality Bulletins, as well. Audit ’21 Team will compile the staff’s and students’ comments on Teams. The self-assessment will be uploaded onto the FINEEC’s digital platform before Christmas. Next spring, the staff, students and VAMK’s stakeholders will participate in workshops on the themes of the Audit.

Production of Self-assessment

  1. COLLATION OF BACKGROUD INFORMATION. Work on the largest evaluation area, Competence creating VAMK i.e. our education, was started last spring when we asked each Degree Programme to assess their activities based on the questions given in the Audit Manual. The extensive material produced by the Degree Programmes with its concrete examples serves as a basis for the self-assessment on the planning, implementation and enhancement of education. With other areas, we will not conduct such large-scale inquiry but we will utilise the existing material and sources.
  2. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FROM EXPERTS. When conducting the self-assessment, if need be, we will ask for additional information from those who are experts in the area being assessed. Help from many experts at VAMK will be needed for this.
  3. QUALITY ZOOMS AND QUALITY BULLETINS DURING THE AUTUMN. The first draft of each area will be presented during a half-an-hour Quality Zoom. Participation in the Zoom meeting is an easy and quick way get a good idea of the issues the Audit Team wants us to answer and how we at VAMK see these issues. During the autumn, we will have a series of Quality Zooms, each presenting one evaluation area. By participating, you can make immediate questions and comments. These Zoom meetings will be recorded so that those who could not make it can watch them later. You will also receive a Quality Bulletin com-piled from the theme in your email. Furthermore, the Bulletins will be published on the Intranet News. Soon after the Bulletin in Finnish there will be Quali-ty Bulletin in English. In this Bulletin, there will be Finnish-English vocabulary on the theme with most essential words.
  4. COMMENTARY AND FINISHING THE TEXT IN AUDIT ’21 TEAMS After the Quality Zoom the self-assessment text is available on Teams in the Audit ’21 workspace. We hope that you will enter your questions and comments because they will help us in polish the text into its final form. The finished text will be sent for translation.
  5. EXAMPLES OF VAMK’S STRENGTHS AND GOOD PRACTICES. The length of the self-assessment is limited and to dis-play our strengths and good practices better, we will compile such material that verify the points mentioned in the self-assessment onto our website. Links to the website will be connected to the self-assessment.
    To tell what and how we do things at VAMK and what makes us proud, we need many stories of what it is like to study at VAMK, how we teach and guide, act and develop, co-operate with our partners – all those everyday tasks that guide us towards our aims and that are part of our strategy. This self-assessment is about our work, all of us.
  6. TRANSFERRING THE MATERIAL ONTO THE FINEEC DIGITAL PLATFORM. After the entire material has been finished, it, together with links, will be transferred onto the FINEEC digital platform. The deadline for this is 15 December 2020.
  7. WORKSHOPS AFTER NEW YEAR. In the New Year, we will continue preparing for the Audit in workshops which we will arrange for the staff, students and stakeholders in all themes and evaluation areas of the self-assessment.

Dates of Quality Zooms

23.9. Feedback from students and introduction of the new course feedback system.

30.9. Co-operation with working life

7.10. Planning, implementation and enhancement of education at VAMK

21.10. Benchlearning from the neighbour – Efficient thesis writing process for timely graduation

28.10. VAMK promotes impact and renewal

4.11. VAMK enhances quality and well-being

  • Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC). 2019, 21. Audit Manual for higher education institutions 2019-2024.

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